Effectively remove moss to let your lawn breathe again

GARDENA Scarifier

Scarifier for a greener and healthier lawn

For a healthy lawn, matted grass and moss should be removed with a scarifier once or twice a year. The galvanized steel blades cut into the lawn pulling out weed and moss.


Lawn rake for a greener and healthier lawn

The GARDENA Lawn Rake works in a more gentle way. It can be used throughout the whole season and if used regularly, it helps to avoid the formation of moss.

Close-up of the blades of a GARDENA Scarifier

Efficient and powerful work

Low-wear blades made of specially hardened, galvanised stainless steel penetrate the soil by millimetres – efficiently and sustainably removing matted grass, weeds and moss.

GARDENA Scarifier

Tackles the toughest conditions with excellent results

Problem-free starting thanks to the powerful PowerPlus Motor that allows powerful work without interruption. It moves nearly by itself and only needs to be steered. Gives you a moss-free lawn with a green touch.

GARDENA Lawn Aerator with a foldable handle


The compact Lawn Aerator is ideal for easy and effortless work, and requires little space for convenient transportation and storage.

GARDENA Scarifier

Safe pushing

For problem-free pushing over pavement or tiles, there is the transportation position with which the blades are easily and quickly folded upward.


Garden inspiration

smuk græsplæne

Fem nemme tips til en smuk græsplæne

En smuk græsplæne er noget af det de fleste haveejere drømmer om. Her er fem nyttige tips til at hjælpe dig med at få den perfekte græsplæne.
ukrudt i græsplænen

Ukrudtsbekæmpelse uden kemi

Stort set ingen haveejere ønsker ukrudt i deres have. Hvis du står over for dette problem, er det dog ikke nødvendigt at straks ty til kemiske ukrudtsmidler.

Græsplæne – Anden del

I denne artikel fortsætter vi med dine spørgsmål om græsplæner. Få interessant viden om forskellige typer græs, om ukrudt og plæneluftning.